David Pylyp, difficult Listings, Toronto real estate

It will never happen to us.

Working with difficult or complicated situations we need to Set The Stage For a Successful Sale.

Real Estate involves frequent interactions with people in a multitude of situations, ranging from getting along with divorcing parties to warring siblings negotiating the sale. Maybe it requires the eviction of a Hostile Tenant and then the sale. Maybe you are out of Province or even country. Part of my success depends on my ability to effectively problem solve.

Here are some tips for dealing with difficult people and stress inducing situations:
Meeting privately – having an audience listening causes more defensiveness.
Expect that difficult situations will take time to resolve.
Don’t take things personally. Recognize that your role is to be calm and objective.
Use Active Listening Skills.
Let’s Identify The Problem

Clarify the expectations of the sale and the impediments.
Encourage the parties to talk – this will provide more understanding of the “real” issues involved and often provides clues for possible solutions.
Context – Can we reframe the problem so that it is not personal? We can make the problem something that we are all working on collaboratively to solve.

Bring in the legal and conflict resolution people we need.
Call me… Let’s talk
David Pylyp
RE/MAX Realty Specialists Inc., Brokerage
416 233 9000 or direct 647 218 2414
